I'll put my hand into the fire.
I can never explain why I will have to do that.
As I turn and meet something hard, perhaps turning white and senses dire.
from the midsummer to the winter
from the sea to the sky
from a nun to sin
I hope that it's waiting on the end
now I'm alone. I'm looking out. I'm looking in.
way down, the light are dimmer.

I'll put my into the fire.
I have to put my hand into the fire.

I know how you feel.
you never know how I feel.
I  knew you would eventually change your mind.
You know I changed my mind, too.

Anyway, plz kindly think about the matter from my point of view. 

wed. Mar 10. 2010 -Lil-

It´s not easy to find a guy charming.
I haven´t met a man right yet.
all of the men are the same.
I find out that he is not my kind of boy again.

I hate a liar.
liars!! be killed!

I am filled with so much anger, frustration and rage that it's hard to hold on.

you let me down.
Posted by PaperRose